listen to the future generation

listen to the future generation

“listen to the future generation” –  that’s the title of a film we produced recently, and here it is, released. I don’t work only as a wildlife cameraman. Sometimes our company makes corporate videos, and sometimes those videos are about nature conservation. This one is about a potentially devastating plan for a new motorway in South East Wales.

campaign against the levels motorway

I hope that the campaign and efforts to stop irreparable damage to a precious area near our home are successful. Politicians have a lot to answer for, and it’s not just the present generation that they have to serve; they should look ahead too. They need to listen to the future generation, but will they.

little egret at GWT Magor Marsh Reserve

To learn more about the details of the campaign against the proposed motorway please take a look at this link and sign up to their campaigns.
The Wildlife Trusts

detailed information

I have taken the following from a press release by the Campaign Against the Levels Motorway. This is just the first paragraph and I encourage anyone with an interest to read about the whole campaign on Facebook here.

CALM endorses the Transport Fit for Future Generations report. The Campaign Against the Levels Motorway supports the sustainable – and lawful – alternatives to the M4 Black Route published today by Wales’ Future Generations Commissioner.

Rob Hepworth, Chair of CALM states, “We welcome today’s report by the Commissioner. It gives the most convincing overall case ever produced against a motorway bypass severing the Gwent Levels. CALM asks every Welsh citizen to read it with an open mind – then
decide if you want your taxes used to build it instead of cheaper and healthier alternatives. Surely we need a full Metro system and new infrastructure for cyclists and walkers.”
He concludes, “The question is no longer about the feasibility of the Black Route. It is the wrong choice. CALM calls on the Wales Government to face up to that reality and embrace new solutions for the South Wales transport corridor. An urgent task for the next First Minister is to choose a better plan in line with the Commissioner’s report.”

the video

You can also watch the video here:

Listen to the Future Generation on Gwent Wildlife Trust’s YouTube Channel

Listen to the Future Generation on Graham Horder – Wildlife Cameraman YouTube Channel