Programmes over Christmas

Just about everyone I met over the Christmas period complained about the offerings from television broadcasters.  With one or two notable exceptions there was precious little good new programming to be seen.  However, S4C had something new which went out on Christmas Eve, then at least twice more to my knowledge.  Of course, not everyone can get S4C in the ‘old fashioned’ way, but if you go to the S4C website you can access programmes live and up to a month after their broadcast.

The programme I am talking about is Natur Nadolig Iolo which can be seen for a while yet on this link (with subtitles if you  need them).  From a wildlife cameraman point of view I didn’t do much of this (lots of library footage) but it was enjoyable to contribute otherwise to a charming programme about wildlife folklore at the turn of the year in Wales.  Congratulations to Aden and all the team for putting together a programme that was unexpectedly repeated, and of course to Iolo Williams for his excellent presentation.